Molly Riggs

Author. Poet. Editor.


Molly Riggs is an author, poet, and editor living in New York City. She graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a minor in Writing in December 2020. She currently works full-time as the Operations Coordinator for Kevin Anderson & Associates, a New York Times-bestselling ghostwriting and editorial firm. She is also the co-founder of the forthcoming social justice literary journal, Sunday Custard, alongside Dr. Regina A. Bernard-Carreno. 

In September 2021, Molly published her debut novel, Blue Ink. This literary fiction centers on Charlie, a reserved writer coping with the trauma of his childhood, and his best friend Levi, an extroverted partier who begins to develop feelings for Charlie just as he begins spiraling down the path of addiction. It is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and


"Nothing that had been lost couldn’t be created again."

An excerpt from Blue Ink Chapter 2

An excerpt from Blue Ink Chapter 20


"The task is just to write a damn poem. / Even that’s awash."

Published with Dear Reader Fall 2022

Published with The Crucible Spring 2020


I am of the opinion that the ultimate goal in all facets of book publishing is to serve the reader. As such, it is my mission as an editor to implement a reader-first approach in everything I do. All of my feedback, queries, suggestions, and tracked changes will aim to reflect the best intention of the reader. While I am a champion for upholding an author’s creative vision, I ultimately believe that once a book is in the reader’s hands, their interpretation constitutes the book’s meaning. Therefore, it is my job as the editor to act as a bridge, ensuring the purpose of the author aligns with the understanding of the reader.